News and Updates
News and Updates - 2008 News and Updates - 2009
Good news! Today come to us our kids and grandchildrens!!!
For sale
Pupps out of
Bel etual Ternecija Shampan Bel etual Jofrey Noir
Date of birth - 2010. 08. 28
Fleur de vie Antoinette Abigaelle
(tattoo: RBP 804)
Fleur de vie Aghes Laurent
(tattoo: RBP 802)
Fleur de vie Antoine Boule de neige
(tattoo: RBP 803)
Litter out off:
Bel etual Kristof Bel etual Aleksandra
Date of birth - 2010. 09. 06
Fleur de vie Berenger Bleuette - Owner: E. Kovalčiukas, Vilnius, Lithuania (tattoo: RBP 805)
Fleur de vie Berthold Boniface -
Owner: E. Kovalčiukas,
Vilnius, Lithuania (tattoo: RBP 807)
Fleur de vie Bernard Bruno - Owner: G. Karaliūnaitė, Kauno raj, Lithuania (tattoo: RBP 806)
2010. 10. 02
Hercules Eolo arfa (2010.09.08- 2010.10.19) have crossed Rainbow Bridge...
2010. 09. 26 - National dog show in Panevėžys.
Geisha Eolo arfa got YW - Judge: Hanna Wozna-Gil, Poland
Basta got ex 2 - Judge: Dorota Kuczynska - Standello, Poland
2010. 09. 25 - Hera Eolo arfa (2010.09.08- 2010.09.25) have crossed Rainbow Bridge...
So left just one boy out of Venecija Azija and Bel etual Valeri del conti...
2010. 09. 08 - Today born two pupps out of Venecija Azija and Bel etual Valeri del conti:
white boy and isabella girl.
2010. 08. 28 - in Moscow was born our grandchilds out of Bel etual Ternecija Shampan and Bel etual Jofrey Noir:
One black girl and two wonderful boys!!!
2010. 09. 06 - in Moscow was born 3 boys out of our Bel etual Kristof and Bel etual Aleksandra
If you are interested, contact me: +370 698 71838
2010. 07. 07 - In Moscow was born our grandchilds out of Bel etual Kelvin Klein and Bel etual Olivia Nuar
Contact breeder: 8 9067826224 (Moscow, Russia)
2009. 08. 16 - 2010. 08.31 - Galileo Eolo arfa "Gutis" have crossed the Rainbow Bridge...
Nuoširdžiai užjaučiame šeimininką...
2010. 08. 29-30 Mushrooms hunting near Varėna.
2010. 08. 28 - I was work at working trials "fox in false caves"
2010. 08. 15 - Working trial for Scenthounds - 16-24 hours old blood and scent track.
2010. 07. 10 - National dog show in Taurage (LT). Judge - Malgorzata Lorenc, Poland
Basta got Exc. 1 and JW.
My handled dogs:
Beagle - Siesta Tūkstantmečio Aidas, ovner I. Benetienė (LT) got excelent 2;
West siberian laika - Barsas, owner M. Paulauskas (LT) got exc.1 CAC W BOB
2010. 07. 10 - Today was mated:
LT, LV JCH, LT ClubW'04, LT CH Bel etual Valeri del conti and Venecija Azija
2010. 07. 03 - National dog show in Šilutė. Judge - Wyacheslav Werbitskij, Belarus.
Basta got Excelent 2
2010. 06. 27 - we had a fun...
Who let the dogs out ?!!!
Splish Slpash...
2010. 06. 13 - Sighthounds meeting and lure coursing.
2010. 06. 12 - Klaipeda's region gun dogs show. Judge Erika Tribulaite -Junevičienė (LT)
Basta got YW; BOB; BIS-3
More pictures from show are here...
2010. 05. 29 - Field trials with "Fox in false caves" and terriers...
2010. 05. 22 - National dogs show in Plungė. Judge - M. Taurusevičienė (LT)
Our granddaughter, Bjork Kopa Antikos Leda (own. Živile Bilotaitė-Jokubauskienė, LT) - got CAC W
And new pictures of Basta "Barbyte" (8,5 month).
2010. 05. 08 - Samogitia regional show of Lithuanian Hounds
and Dukes Oginski challenger cup 30 km riding race with Žemaitukai breed horses
2010. 04. 08 - Today we open swiming season...
2010. 03. 27 Laika's show in Antašava and Laika's competition with "mink in sleeve".
2010. 03. 28 - Again Taujėnai, again laika's competition with boar.
2010. 03. 21 - Taujėnai. Deutscher Jagdterrier competition with boar.
2010. 02. 28; 03.07; 03.12; 03. 13; 03.14; 03.21; 03.28
Laika's and Lithuanian hounds competition with wild boar.
Meile find new house...
2010. 02. 21 - National dogs show in Panevėžys. Judge Tina Sulce, Latvia.
Basta got "Very promising"
Forum for Scenthound
Owners on
net !!!
2010.01.31 - Wonderful winter...
2010. 01. 23-24 - National dog show in Kaunas. First show for our babies.
2010.01.23 - Judge Natalija Nekrošienė, Lithuania.
Geisha Eolo arfa got very promising, exs. 2.
At 5 month age, Geisha is 32 cm. height.
2010. 01.24 - Judge Živilė Povilaitienė, Lithuania.
Basta got very promising and babby BIS 3
2010. 01.16 - Spec. X FCI group show in Ventspils, Latvia. Judge - J. Butkiene, Lithuania.
Our granddaughter, Bjork Kopa Antikos Leda (own. Živile Bilotaitė-Jokubauskienė, Lithuania) - got CAC, CQ, BOO
...and second, out of all 9 dogs.
Other dogs:
Baby class/ bitch - Amaretta di casa ricca;
Puppy class/dog - Astra Bravissimo Keanu;
Junior class/dogs - Astra Bravissimo Jude, Lux Loral joe Julio;
Intermediale class/dogs - Lux Loral Jami Jordan:
Champion class/dog - Lux Loral Dorato Dimante;
Intermediale /bitches - Bjork kopa Antikos Leda;
Champion class/bitches - - Lux Loral Felicita Fiorella;
Veteran class/bitch - Loral Rebeka.
Happy New Year!